Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Worship Times:
10:00 AM Sunday Worship - we are currently doing in-person, and Facebook Live!
Special Worship - Some holidays or holy days are during the week, such as Blue Christmas, Christmas Eve or Ash Wednesday, on these days we usually have a special worship service time, which will be posted.
We are located at:
8192 Davison Road
Davison, MI 48423
Mailing address:
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
PO Box 386
Davison, MI 48423
Our Email Address: office@standrewsdavison.org
Our Facebook Page: facebook.com/standrewsdavison
Office Phone: (810) 653 - 6824
Linda Graham - Pastor
Judy Bernethy - Clerk of Session
Oslynbrie (Ozzy) Dobbs - Secretary
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